Parker's piece saw the first game of the year for Homerton and Frisee Rascals, with the usual conditions (WINDY...) that previous players were used to. For several people on both teams, however, this was the first competitive match they'd faced.
Homerton began the game, with the wind affecting all players, but Frisee Rascals got straight off to a great start, scoring the first point. Homerton managed to quickly respond to this, and scored a few points, made difficult by the weather and the Rascals' great defense.
The game seemed quite even at times, but Homerton had the edge with half time (and the cap) coming at 7-4 in their favour. After a quick Jaffa cake, Homerton headed out with the intent of finishing the game with the next point. This however did not happen, and Frisee Rascals, scored two exceptional points, including one almost-pitch-length huck straight in the end zone that the Homerton defense could do nothing about.
At 7-6, Homerton were worried that their 4 point lead had halved in a matter of minutes, and pulled out all the stops, to finish the game, at 8-6, with a great formation in the end zone.
Thank you to Frisee Rascals for such a great game, a brilliant introduction to the game for those who have never played and also for the chocolates! We look forward to seeing them again soon!